Many pieces of lacrosse mesh are like fine wines. They require lots of time and patience so they can be properly enjoyed. This can be an annoying wait for that reward, but the wait also means work. Stringing up a piece of mesh is only the beginning of your journey to excellence. Hours of lacrosse wall ball, lacrosse pocket pounding, more wall ball, and adjustments are completely normal for forming a perfect pocket. Channel Mesh U, the original Channel Mesh, is no exception. The more time you spend with Channel Mesh U, the better it gets. Unfortunately for many of you players out there, you are far too impatient and finicky to break in your mesh the right way. This is why I say to you: please, please, please just trust the process.
Channel Mesh U is A Bond, Not A Stock
Besides being wise words from Joel Embib, trusting the process can get you very far in life. An easy example is how my parents were able to pay for one full semester of my college tuition with bonds I received as a baby. By waiting more than twenty years for most of the bonds to grow, they were able to help me out significantly and save me from lots of debt and stress. While during those twenty years I probably could’ve used that money for plenty of other things, I’m incredibly glad my parents trusted the process.

Apply that attitude to your mesh, or any other aspect of your life, and you’ll be quite surprised with the results. We definitely were surprised with how well our Channel Mesh U turned out, considering one of our friends had a piece long before us. His initial warning to us was, “You aren’t gonna be able to do anything with it, it just doesn’t form well.” and we wanted to prove him wrong.
And what do you know? We trusted the process and now have our new most accurate stick. He decided to leave the mesh on a shelf and now has his least favorite stick.

Stringing Is a Skill That’s All About Commitment
By taking the time to develop your pocket, like you stick skills, you grow as a player in lots of ways. This process teaches you to appreciate the complexity of stringing and how much it impacts our game. Having this appreciation and knowledge not only keeps you informed, but it helps you understand stringing. The actual way that the tightness of a channel, or highness of a pocket affects your ability is something that you should understand so that you can manipulate the performance of your stick.
With a product like Channel Mesh U that comes rather complete, you don’t have a lot of options; however, you have room for growth. Being committed to making your pocket better, along with yourself, is a journey every player should endure. I’m not trying to be an old-school hardass and say that kids have it better than I did in my day, but truthfully they do. Performance mesh and flat knitted mesh, like Channel Mesh U or the Warp, are advancing rapidly. Players are able to turn backups into gamers very quickly, which is a positive; but, it is also a double-edged sword.

Players need to understand that sometimes the problem is caused by their equipment, but it’s their fault. You have the power to change it and the power to improve it. Sadly, the issue is that players often don’t put the time into making their equipment better.
Growing With Your Game and Channel Mesh U
Channel Mesh U is not an “out of the package, ready for the game” product and that’s ok. Most lacrosse stringing supplies aren’t ready for action once you open them. Likewise, most players aren’t great their first day playing and need more work. The relationship between you and the many pieces of mesh you will have is one that must burn slowly for years. You should cherish the time you spend breaking in your mesh because every second adds up. Every time that you put in work, your stick should be working too. All of those wall ball reps add up and strengthen your play while also enhancing your stick. After some time, sweat, and determination the only thing standing in your way should be the other team. And let’s be honest, if you constantly work on improving yourself and your stick you should never be worried.
Channel Mesh U | Lacrosse Mesh Reviews

Channel Mesh U is one of the most accurate pieces of mesh on the market, it just takes some time to mature.
Product SKU: 0101
Product Brand: Channel Mesh
Product Currency: USD
Price Valid Until: 2023-05-25
Product In-Stock: SoldOut