FireThreads FireMesh Stringing Kit Overview
Firethreads is a lacrosse mesh, strings, and synthetic leather company that has a unique style. Their products incorporate “GripPrint” to enhance your stick’s performance. Each one of their products has a specific benefit that can be added to your current setup. This includes shooters and skinny laces to put regular cloth/nylon shooters to shame. I was such a big fan of their shooters that I made the switch and have one in my most used stick. There are plenty of reasons to be a fan of Firethreads and I know many of you will love them.
Firethreads Shooters Bring The Heat
Thanks to Sean Eno, or @cdndaddy on Instagram, I was able to play around with a full Firethreads setup. I tried just using their mesh, just using the shooters, and a complete Firethreads pocket as well. The biggest takeaway of mine was that the shooters did add that “grippy snag” I love on my shots. The release is crisp but weighted until the shot flies out. This added a few more miles per hour on my shot without changing my passing release at all.
Besides making my shots faster the shooters also gave my stick some great hold. I have the perfect amount for indoor without having to tie them tight and sacrifice accuracy or consistency. The added grip on the shooters is prime for fakes as well as overall ball security. Anyone who is a big shooter should look into getting these into their stick. These shooters would also be a big help for those who are always skying the ball. The grip allows for more confidence and assurance in passes for a dialed in stick at all times.
Semi-Soft Semi-Special: FireThreads FireMesh
While I was thrilled with my experience using Firethreads shooters, the Firemesh was a slightly different story. The mesh was difficult to string at first and took a few tries to nail down a pattern that worked well. This isn’t knocking the mesh at all, it just took a bit to fully understand. Once settled and strung properly I did end up enjoying the mesh and used it rather frequently. This use was however only for a few days when I noticed the pieces of GripPrint falling off the mesh. I still haven’t had any problems with the shooters, but more of the mesh’s pieces have fallen off. This wasn’t drastic enough for me to scrap the mesh, however, it was discouraging.
The feel of the mesh is probably it’s best quality since you are very aware of the ball. Every movement of the ball is accented by the grip and allows you to really control your stick. This was a huge plus that I believe could really help players with control issues.I didn’t have the same results of fast shots with the FireMesh, in fact, my shot was slower with it.
I didn’t have the same results of fast shots with the FireMesh, in fact, my shot was slower with it. This was disappointing and I still didn’t get fast shots after re-stringing for more power. My regular mesh with Firethreads shooters was much faster and more powerful. I was looking forward to some big rips, but sadly it wasn’t in the cards.
The Hottest New String In Town: FireThreads FireMesh
I would easily say that the shooters, not the mesh, are one of my favorite recent stringing advances. While I was skeptical, I was extremely happy with the results of the shooters. I will be a return customer of Firethreads and #PlayWithFire in Fall ball and the regular season next year. Firethreads are slightly more than regular shooters but very worth the price. This is a simple recommendation for anyone that needs new shooters or wants a faster shot. I can’t really see any reason to choose a regular cloth shooter over a Firethreads one now that I have seen the improvement. For more info be sure to check out their story and history on their site along with their Instagram. Until next time stay on the wall and snag some Firethreads!
Firethreads Firemesh | Lacrosse Mesh Reviews

Every player that is looking for a little extra shot speed, control, and confidence should play with Firethreads.
Product Brand: Firethreads
Product Currency: USD
Product Price: 10
Price Valid Until: 2023-06-28
Product In-Stock: InStock