Tapesaver butt ends from Rocket Mesh Lacrosse are more of a life saver. These butt ends are designed for weight and space efficiency so you can be the very best you can be. Only one small piece of tape is needed for application, but the butt end can also be taped over like normal. This is product that every player could use to improve their lacrosse stick.
Tapesaver Butt Ends by Rocket Mesh
Almost everyone who plays lacrosse uses tape on their stick and absolutely everyone needs to use a butt end of some sort. Rocket Mesh Lacrosse has taken this into thought and created the best performing butt end possible. It was designed for long-term use and to help you save money on tape. They also won’t wear through like soft rubber or tape does on the bottom. I found this super useful because I have a habit of always putting holes into my butt ends. After a few hits on the ground, they break right through making them illegal.
This awesome product is value priced at $6 for one or four of them for $18. You also get the savings of not wasting excessive amounts of tape to create butt ends or doughnuts. There’s a good variety of twelve different colors plus black and white. It is made of a hardened rubber material and is just as light as other butt ends. Rocket Mesh Lacrosse currently has two different models, but one is still in prototype stage. We’ll be sure to keep you updated when they come out with the second version. The prototype has a donut further up on the butt end compared to the normal butt end having the donut at the very bottom of the butt end.
Tape vs. Tapesaver Butt End
The only benefit lacrosse tape has over these butt ends from Rocket Mesh is placement. If you put your doughnut in a very specific place you won’t be able to replicate that. Other than that, there is no comparison. You have to waste time, tape, and money on other butt ends that end up flimsy and don’t support your bottom hand. With Rocket Mesh you can have a perfect round bottom that’ll never bend.

This hardened plastic is made to withstand the battle and gives you great leverage. Also, it does not peel away from wear and tear. It is incredibly easy to put onto your stick, and if done properly hard to get off when unwanted. All you need to do is put a single layer of tape on the end before you put it on and that little guy should be staying on there for the long haul. You can also tape over the butt end and it will also stay on very well. The butt end is the optimal size for staying on the stick and not wasting space. It is only as long as it needs to be to stay on the stick with one small piece of tape.
Last Impression: TapeSaver Buttend
If I could change anything about them, I would just make the bottom ring or donut a tiny bit thicker. I like mine on the hefty size and a little more would be perfect for my liking. The Tapesaver butt end is a phenomenal product, by far my new favorite butt end for all my sticks. It looks good, feels good, and helps you play “good”. If you want to save some money and play with the most secure butt end out there, check out Rocket Mesh Lacrosse on their site or their social media to possibly win one.