Every lacrosse player must have the right lacrosse equipment before playing in an official game. There’s different equipment for the various positions on the field. Men and women also use different equipment and having the proper gear is essential to ensuring both a safe, enjoyable game and a successful performance.
Lacrosse Gear List
There are several key pieces of equipment that every lacrosse player should have in order to be ready for practice or an upcoming match. This article provides a comprehensive list of all the essential lacrosse gear needed by players to ensure they can take full advantage of their skills on the field.
Lacrosse Shaft
- Midfielders and attackmen in men’s lacrosse use short shafts that are 30 inches long, so these players must use a stick between 40 and 42 inches
- Defensemen and long stick midfielders use long shafts up to 60 inches long, so these players must use a stick between 52 and 72 inches
- For men’s lacrosse goalies, their shafts can be anywhere from 30 to 60 inches long
- Women’s lacrosse field players and goalies must use a stick between 35.5 and 43.5 inches
Lacrosse Head
- The lacrosse heads is the top of your lacrosse stick used to catch, cradle, pass, shoot, and pick up the lacrosse ball
- Lacrosse heads must conform to the rules of their specific age and skill level
- These levels have different widths and lengths, making it easier or more difficult to control the ball.
Lacrosse Mesh and Stringing
- Lacrosse mesh is a woven mesh of fibers strung into a lacrosse head so that players can control and hold the ball within the head. The mesh and stringing form a pocket that must conform to rules that depend on the age and skill level of the user. Men’s and women’s lacrosse have different rules for stringing requirements and different-sized mesh, but the same principles apply.
Lacrosse Balls
- Lacrosse balls are made of solid rubber and are usually colored white in men’s lacrosse games and yellow in women’s lacrosse games. They come in various colors and have different versions used for training purposes. This includes soft indoor lacrosse balls, no-bounce lacrosse balls, numbered lacrosse balls, heavier lacrosse balls, grippy or textured lacrosse balls, and more.
Men’s Lacrosse Helmet
- Men’s lacrosse players and women’s lacrosse goalies use lacrosse helmets
- These helmets offer the wearer lightweight protection with a wide frame of view
- Lacrosse helmets have a facemask to shield from flying lacrosse balls and feature vents for airflow
Lacrosse Goalies Throat Protector
- Lacrosse throat protectors keep lacrosse shots from hitting the trachea of lacrosse goalies
- Men’s and women’s lacrosse goalies use these for protection from shots they don’t stop with their sticks
- Lacrosse throat protectors hang off of their lacrosse helmets
- They resemble a crescent shape made of hard plastic going from below one ear to the other.
- The main two throat guards for goalies are the STX Clear Throat protector and the STX Hard Plastic Throat Protector.
Men’s Lacrosse Shoulder Pads
- Lacrosse shoulder pads offer protection for the sternum and collarbone
- These pads are thinner, more lightweight, and made of a padded material featuring minimal hard plastics
- Newer lacrosse shoulder pads feature smaller or nonexistent shoulder pads atop the shoulders
- Lacrosse shoulder pads are only worn by men’s lacrosse players
Lacrosse Goalie Chest Protector
- Lacrosse shots can exceed 110 miles per hour. That makes protection essential to prevent injury to the sternum, abdomen, ribs, and chest.
- Goalies in men’s and women’s lacrosse wear chest protectors
- This keeps goalies safe from the high-speed shots that are flying at them
- Chest protectors use similar materials to lacrosse shoulder pads
- However, chest protectors have thicker shielding that covers more area
Lacrosse Gloves
- Lacrosse players need their gloves to be flexible for controlling the lacrosse stick. For lacrosse players, keeping their hands safe when using them to play the game is always a priority.
- Goalies wear special lacrosse gloves with protected thumbs to safeguard them from shots
- Usually, only men’s lacrosse players and women’s lacrosse goalies wear lacrosse gloves.
- Some women’s lacrosse players wear gloves that are thinner but they are not required.
Lacrosse Elbow Pads
- There are different elbow pads used for protection in men’s lacrosse.
- Generally, the players that play the most defense wear the smallest elbow pads
- That’s because these players handle the lacrosse ball less, and you’re only allowed to stick check a player that controls or attempts to control the ball
- Lacrosse elbow pads generally feature hard plastic cups to protect elbows from strikes
Lacrosse Cleats
- Lacrosse cleats are like football cleats. But, they focus on cutting ability and ankle support. This is because, in lacrosse, every player plays offense and defense.
- Women’s players use lacrosse goggles to protect from stick checks and lacrosse balls. They feature hard plastic or metal caging around the eyes for incredible vision with protection.
Mouth Guard
- Players must always wear a mouth guard during gameplay to prevent concussions. They can be molded to fit a player’s mouth so they are comfortable to wear. They protect the player’s head and mouth, encouraging better breathing and communication.
Lacrosse Equipment Infographic
This Lacrosse Equipment Infographic provides a comprehensive overview of the different pieces of equipment required to play lacrosse, as well as helpful tips on how to choose the best products for your needs.

What does my son need for lacrosse?
When preparing for lacrosse, parents must ensure their child has the appropriate equipment. The necessary gear includes a helmet, shoulder and elbow pads, cleats, a shaft head (the parts for the stick), and a mouth guard.